Navigating the Party Scene: What Every Parent Should Know


When it comes to drinking, partying, and substance abuse, there’s a lot of stuff your teenager won’t tell you – but we will! Today, we get into all the challenges that come with teenagers and partying, what to expect as a parent, and how to start discussing these things with your kid before it’s an issue. We break down the types of limitations and rules to put in place while also making sure they feel comfortable calling you if they need help. With drinking at home, we talk about how to model healthy behavior for your kids before discussing supervised drinking, including when you should do it, and when you absolutely should not. Our conversation also gets into the transition to high school, why your kids might suddenly be much more interested in parties, and how to assess when you should allow them to go. Additionally, we cover what to do if you get a call that your kid is wasted, when to have a conversation with them, and what the consequences should be. Tune in to hear the full conversation on teenagers, partying, and how to safely navigate this tricky subject!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • [0:01:33] What we’ll be talking about today regarding teen parties.

  • [0:02:08] How we would approach rules and limits with teen parties and drinking.

  • [0:04:31] Modeling healthy drinking behavior for your kids.

  • [0:06:36] Cultural considerations to take into account with alcohol.

  • [0:07:00] Different definitions of supervised drinking, and which ones to avoid.

  • [0:11:48] The problem of binge drinking and how to address it.

  • [0:13:30] Easy ways to discuss substances with your kids before it’s an issue.

  • [0:15:16] Partying expectations kids face after the transition to high school.

  • [0:16:54] When to start letting your kids go to parties.

  • [0:18:34] Encouraging kids to take care of each other.

  • [0:20:07] What to do if you get a call that your kid is wasted.

  • [0:20:55] How to discuss it with them afterwards.

  • [0:22:20] Next steps: contacting parents, and when to call the school.

  • [0:24:33] Making sure your kids know not to party at a school event.

  • [0:27:08] Having a conversation about edibles and fentanyl.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Sh*t Your Teenagers Won’t Tell You

Sh*t Your Teenagers Won’t Tell You on Instagram


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