The Real Talk on Teen Substance Use: Bella’s Story and What Parents Need to Know


Have you equipped your teen to make informed choices about substance use? During this episode, Bella, a Senior at a Boarding School back East, joins us to share the inside scoop of what’s really going on at teen parties. Since the start of her high school career, she has been involved in advocating for teens with substance abuse issues. Join us for a look behind the scenes at what motivates kids to use substances at a young age including social pressure and the problem of mental health. We discuss the age-old belief that it’s safer to allow your kids to drink at home, and Bella offers her perspective on how easy it is for adults to tell if a young person is abusing substances. You’ll also hear about the level of access that suburban teens have to illegal substances, and Bella’s opinion on what it might look like to nurture an open and honest relationship with your child from a young age. This conversation also emphasizes the importance of educating your kids rather than punishing them. Thanks for tuning in. 

Key Points From This Episode:

  • [0:00:58] What is different about this episode: you’ll hear from a teenager. 

  • [0:03:47] The events that first drew her to working with stuff around substance abuse. 

  • [0:06:42] A real-life look behind the scenes at a high school party.

  • [0:11:02] Bella’s insights into the culture behind teenage substance use: social pressure, mental health, and more. 

  • [0:15:54] Considering the idea that it is safer for kids to drink at home. 

  • [0:17:41] How easy it is for an adult to tell if a kid is abusing substances.

  • [0:19:48] Bella divulges how much access suburban teens truly have to drugs and alcohol. 

  • [0:21:55] A teen’s perspective on how adults should approach these things.

  • [0:26:57] Why it is so important to create a healthy relationship with your kids from a young age. 

  • [0:28:52] How Bella’s mom enforced boundaries and support.

  • [0:31:09] The challenge of giving up substances as a young person. 

  • [0:33:00] What it might look like to start to cultivate an open and honest relationship with your child.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Sh*t Your Teenagers Won’t Tell You
Sh*t Your Teenagers Won’t Tell You on Instagram


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